Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hard to say goodbye...

I just received the call that everyone dreads to receive. The call that informs you that a loved one passed away. A very close friend of mine called to tell me that her cousin passed away today. Her cousin, more like her brother, has gone through a lot in his life. Even though he had not yet begun his teenage years, he had faced more struggles than most adults. Numerous surgeries, including a heart transplant, multiple hospitalizations, and he went through it all with unsurpassed courage and bravery. Medications, trips to the hospital and doctors, procedures, tests, and many other obstacles were presented to him, but he was able to push through. It has been hard to say good bye for his family, because they always hoped with every procedure, every doctor's visit, and every illness...that he would pull through...and he always did.

It was less than a year ago when I met him, but he always brightened my spirits. He had a light about him. Even when his heart was sick, it was still so fully of joy and love.

He had a heart disorder and was on the list for a transplant for a while. He finally received a heart several months ago. We were all joyous when he came through the surgery successfully. My friend's parents traveled many miles to be with him during all visits and surgeries. They worked so hard to provide the parental support that he needed. Waiting for a donor is very hard and I know that his family had a hard time with the wait. It makes it harder when some people, medical professionals included, felt that he was less deserving than other patients of a transplant. He was a young boy with developmental disabilities.

Somehow, medical professionals made the determination that because he wasn't "a normal child", it would not put the organ to proper use. I don't know how they can determine what is and what isn't a normal child. Thankfully, the family was able to find a hospital in Virginia who would perform the transplant.

He had been doing well until a few days ago when he came down with a stomach virus/flu. He was dehydrated he was admitted to the hospital. As they were running more tests, they found fluid on his heart. They performed a procedure to remove the fluid. Then, as request by the parents and his physician in Virginia, he was to be transported this morning to the hospital in Virginia. Because of a variety of complications, he was not transported until several hours after the originally scheduled transport time. He had two heart attacks today, but his body was unable to fight anymore. He passed away this evening.

I know that his family will miss him. I know that I will miss him. He had so much HEART for one boy! I know that it is hard for his family and I am going to do what I can for them. I am thankful that I have my friend and her family in my life and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to meet someone who has always reminded me of how precious life is and how to fight for life every day!!!

So, as I get ready for bed, I'll say a few extra prayers and give thanks for all that I have been given. I'll hug my husband a little tighter and be thankful that I got to spend another day with my family and friends.

I was listening to the new Rascal Flatts CD in the car yesterday. There is a song that talks about a friend who passed away and how it inspired them to live each day to the fullest. The line goes, "I want to be running when the sand runs out." So, I guess that's what I'll do. I'll spend time with my family and friends. I'll do work that I am proud of and that will hopefully affect the lives of others in a positive way. Most of all, I'll cherish every moment and be thankful for all the blessings that I receive.

So, right now, I'll give thanks for all of my friends. THANK YOU!

One last thought...all lives are valuable and no live is without matter who they are, their age, their health, or other characteristics...We all have value and all desire to be valued.

Good night


Skip Lineberg said...

Jen - a very poignant piece you've written. Sorry for your loss.

Charlie Tee said...

Jen, that's heartbreaking,I to am sorry for your loss.
I'd like to share with you some Islamic wisdom:
"Can death exist for one whose heart is joined with God? My heart is one with Him, thus time and death no longer exist for me.For death is the suspension of time, and time is born of our attachment to things that perish."
I wish you and your friends' family peace, and strenght during this difficult period.
lovingly,Charlie Tee