Monday, September 12, 2005

Music takes me places....

As I have said before, I am a huge fan of music. I have an eclectic collection, from rap to classical and everything in between.

Today, I stopped by the library and picked up a few CDs. I picked up a 50's collection CD. I skimmed through the track list and decided to get it. I have to admit, I didn't look closely at the track list because I have ALWAYS loved 50's music, so it didn't really matter what songs were on the CD.

I was ESPECIALLY pleased when I popped the CD into my car stereo and heard "Come Go with Me" by the Dell-Vikings. (I had to look at the CD case to give you the artist because I was not familiar the group.) However, I am VERY familiar with the song. This song takes me back to the young age of 9, when I took dance lessons. I took ballet, jazz, and modern dance from an instructor in Oak Hill. We did "Come Go With Me" and "Wooly Booley" (spelling?) for two of our "pop/oldies" numbers in our recital. I don't recall the other numbers we did, but every time that I hear "Come Go With Me", it takes me back immediately. (I can still remember part of the routine...sad, I know!)

As I drove home listening to the song, I realized that I was smiling ear to ear...uncontrollably. It was a feeling that I doubt could have been dampered by any force. I was remembering fond memories of my childhood. How lucky I was....How lucky I still am!

So, as I continued to think good thoughts on the way home, I realized that in the scheme of the events throughout our lives, it's the little things that matter. It's the wonderful songs that remind you of childhood play time and childhood dreams. It's the homemade ice cream on a summer day...or warm soup on a winter day. It's the friend who will pray with you and hold your hand during a tough time. It's the thoughfulness of a gift. (Not neccessarily the gift itself, but its meaning or reason.) It's the little things that matter.

As you know, I am not a mother (unless you count my little one, Wrigley), but as advice to parents (and advice that I will use myself when I become a parent)'s the LITTLE THINGS.

It's the times that you teach your child to ride a bike....They keep falling down (or wrecking, in my case) and you try and try again. And then celebrate with them when they are able to ride on their own.

It's the fried bologna sandwiches and chocolate milk on a Saturday morning....A perfect breakfast for watching cartoons with dad.

You get the point. I hear so often to not sweat the small stuff....I do, however. To me, the "small stuff" IS the "big stuff". The small stuff is what we are made of. It's the stories of our lives - the memories - that we carry with us.

Maybe since I am a "detail-oriented" person, this is important to me. But I am sure that we all have a place in our heart for the little things.

It's nice to tap into those wonderful memories. Every time that I think about the small puzzle pieces that have shaped my life, I smile. So, if you think about the happy little things that you've had in your life, I guarantee that you'll have a grin from ear to ear, just as I do now.

May God bless you with the small things and may you praise him for those blessings.

1 comment:

Charlie Tee said...

I love you so much, you just touch my heart.Yesterday would have been my Mom's 84th birthday, and I miss her terribly.She too had a view of life that is as refreshing.You're absolutely right, it's the small things that matter that make up the big picture.You are so lucky to know that, and luckier to be able to look back and hold onto the wonderful memories of's just simply beautiful.
We get so wrapped up in the mire of life instead of being energized by the electric wire of life.
You are a wonderful story teller, and a vivid painter.Your canvas is boundless...and I hope forever, endless.
lovingly,Charlie Tee :-)