Thursday, May 26, 2005

Reality Shows....

So, last night, I watched the finale of American Idol. Well, I watched the last ten minutes and recorded the rest. The finale of LOST was on last night at the same time, so my husband and I decided to watch LOST and record Idol. Carrie Underwood won. what? I watched every episode since the first episode of the first season, but I guess I am getting a little burned out on it now. I still love the concept....I love to hear all of the contestants sing. I like to predict the winners or who will get voted off. I just don't know what I think of it when it comes to the end of the season. I guess I will listen to Carrie, Bo, Vonzell, or any of the other finalists if they have a song on the radio, but I doubt that I will buy a cd. I bought Kelly Clarkson's first album after she won Idol and that has been the only Idol contestant cd that I have bought. It is strange...I tuned in twice a week and now that it is over, I don't have much interest in it. I can't figure that out. ?????

I might lose interest quickly b/c there is always something else I can watch when the season finishes. I watch A LOT of TV.... and when I say A LOT, I mean it. I have shows that I watch every evening. Some of them are reality tv. I don't like Survivor, Road Rules, Real World, or Fear Factor. I watch the weird reality tv plastic surgery shows on E! or Discovery Health. I also like the documentaries on HBO, MTV, etc. Anything that deals with makeovers or plastic surgery, I watch it.

It is quite pathetic how much tv I watch. I LOVE FOOD TV and I usually watch it all day on Saturday or Sunday, depending on whether or not my husband has control of the remote and we watch a day of ESPN instead. :( Speaking of ESPN, my husband has got me hooked on two ESPN shows. Pathetic, huh? I like Around the Horn and Pardon the Interruption (PTI). They make sports news interesting...and they usually throw in some entertainment news as well. When I get home from work, my husband watches ESPN and we watch that until PTI goes off. Then, we watch reruns of Seinfield (which I didn't even begin watching until the series ended) and then we watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Then, we watch our evening shows. Monday is the CBS lineup. I LOVE Two and a Half Men. It is genius. Tuesday is House MD and American Idol. Wednesday is Lost and Idol. Thursday is CSI. Friday is Numbers. I have to admit, I haven't watched Numbers in a while. We have been renting movies on Fridays or watching movies on HBO. We don't watch anything in particular on Saturday, but I do watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent on Sunday. I love Vincent D'Onofrio. Don't know why, he is just strange and mysterious. Then, as the season rolls around again, I will begin watching American Dreams, which is probably my favorite show.

So, I guess I watch a little of everything.

I just hope I am not the only one who loves tv. I am sure that I am not the only one who pays over $100 for digital cable with a few extra channels and the DVR box. Thankfully, the cable internet is included in that. It still sounds a little pricey. I guess my excuse for watching tv is that I want to get my money's worth. :)

What shows are you addicted to???? Are you a reality tv watcher, too???


Skip Lineberg said...

I watch way too much TV. Always have. I'm not sure if it's me, or my generation, but I feel like a "child of the great television generation". Since you asked, the shows that I really enjoy include: Medium, CSI, Survivor, Deperate Housewives, Sopranos, What Not to Wear, Trading Spaces and Extreme Home Makeover. My family always makes an "event" out of watching Survivor. Hey-and I definitely "feel your pain" with respect to paying $100/month for cable!

Jen said...

I forgot about Trading Spaces and What Not to Wear. I love those shows!!! I consider trying to get on WNTW just so I can get the $5000 to shop! AHHH to shop in downtown NYC with someone else's money. Now, that would be the life! :)