So, in similar interest, I thought I would post a few things that bother me. Granted, some of these are a little shallow and some are a little political, but I thought that I would warn you ahead of time. Don't expect these comments to be life-changing or stimulating.
But just for fun...I'd like to share my frustrations, complaints and grievances.
Mullets... I don't like mullets on men or women...Sorry....I never liked it when they were in style (if there ever was a time) and I definitely don't like it now. (I think it is especially "interesting" when a man has a mullet and he is balding on top and grows the back out to compensate....)
"Mom Jeans" - Since when did it become a rule for women to wear their jeans right below the bra? Oh, and to accent it with a belt really sets the look off! NO MORE MOM JEANS for the love of all that's holy!
I hate double knobbed faucets because getting the right temperature and pressure is like balancing an equation (suggested by my friend, Annette, and I totally agree! - I hate the double faucets in public can never adjust the water pressure accurately and you end up with water everywhere.)
People who pull out in front of you on the road and then turn off immediately after!!!
Speaking of driving....I hate people that go 20 mph below the speed limit and then begin to tap their brakes a million times to "signal to you that you are too close". I have a tailgating problem, but FTLOG, would you please drive the speed limit (or something close to it????) ESPECIALLY IN THE PASSING LANE.
Speaking of the passing lane...DON'T drive in the passing lane (going slow, usually) because you are making a turn a few miles ahead.....arghhh (This happens to me going from St. Albans to South Chas. all of the time!)
How Blockbuster Movie Rental holds back a copy or two of their "guaranteed to be there" rentals so that you can't get the rental for free if they didn't have a copy available. ARGGH (okay...I'm cheap....I'm trying to get a free rental...I admit it!)
The people at the KIOSKS at the mall that step out into your walking path to say, "Excuse me, Miss. I have a wonderful product that you need to try." I am marketing professional and I understand that they are trying to make a sale. However, trying to scare me or nearly making me trip over you in my path just to sell me some new gadget or hand cream, is not the way to do it. When I am a woman on a mission. Don't get in my way. HA HA
How public bathrooms usually need a HAZMAT crew to clean them. People say that men's bathrooms are dirty...I've never seen one, but it would take a lot to be more gross than some women's bathrooms that I've seen. Do people not have any common sense or manners???? Also, why is it so hard to keep paper products and soap in the bathrooms?
It's one thing to talk on a cell phone in a store or restaurant (I can over look that), but it is another thing to be screaming so that your friend on the other end can hear you because you or they are having signal problems. Usually the louder the voice, the more embarrassing the comments. When is screaming through the phone to your friend talking about how you are going to kick someone's *** or how you spent your night last night a good idea???? Maybe when you don't have any class???
I am all about getting good service at a restaurant or at a store, and I hate getting poor service. However, I HATE when people show themselves in a restaurant by cussing the server or telling him/her that she is worthless, etc. Once again, a lack of class.
When businesses don't take check/debit/credit cards. I know that it can be an extra expense for businesses, but come on!!! Sorry, if you want my business, you have to take plastic...I NEVER carry cash. (I'm lucky to have enough change to put in the parking meter.)
The new fad of "short pants". I loved cropped pants and capris in the summer/spring. BUT...what is the new fad of the pants that come just below the knee? They are everywhere!!! They look cute on some, but I just can't bring myself to wear one. (Just like the "poncho" fad of the past few seasons. There was ONE time that I considered purchasing a "poncho"....and a good friend talked me out of it. She said, "Friends don't let friends wear (or buy) ponchos." HAHA
Anyone who is homophobic.... Hey, I said that there would be some topics that would be "political". I don't want to elaborate because this post will turn into a "novel". I could get fired up and go on all day about this. Man, it burns me up!!!!
Something that used to tick me off growing up (and still does on occasion) is when a Presidential Address is shown in place of one of my favorite shows. I can't help it that I would learn more and it would be more interesting to watch Will and Grace than the President?? (That was a low blow...I do watch the Presidential Addresses just to keep up on what it being said, but it doesn't mean that I like it.)
I'm sure that there are many more... and I will continue to post them. I can't think of anymore right now, though. So, I'll turn it over to you. If you have any complaints, grievances, or frustrations that you would like to share, please feel free to post in the comments. :)
I hate double knobbed faucets How can a single knob faucet work better??? Two knobs give you fine precision... must be a blonde thing.. :)
Actually, my friend suggested the thing about the double faucet and I got confused. For some reason, I thought she was talking about the single faucet. (Don't ask me why!???) But I have all double faucets in my house. I hate the single ones in public restrooms. You can never get the pressure right. My bad....
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