Saturday, February 18, 2006

Finally getting over my cold....

I caught the cold bug that has been going around earlier this week. It came down hard on me Thursday night. I woke up before the sun rose with a horrible headache. I managed to get the energy and motivation to go downstairs and get some medicine. I know from experience that if I wake up in the middle of the night or early morning with a headache, I have to take something. The concept of "Oh, I'll sleep it off" never works. So, I took some medicine and went back to bed. Then I went back to sleep after much tossing and turning. Then, before I knew it, it was time to get up. I kept thinking, "Just five more minutes", as I did when I was a kid. I finally rolled out of bed....late, but I did finally get up. I showered and began getting ready. I felt better after my shower, but by the time that I put my makeup on and dried my hair, I was wore out. It's sad when getting ready for work wears you out....I knew I was sick.

I had a press conference on Friday, so I couldn't miss work. Of course, if you ask my coworkers, I wouldn't have missed work anyway. One coworker told me after coming in about 1/2 hour late on Friday, "I told the other girls that Jen takes off early sometimes or comes in late, but Jen never takes a day off." She's telling the truth. I really don't take time off of work very much. I enjoy my job very much. I love doing what I do! Actually, my Executive Director told me that I have to take some time off soon or I'm going to lose it b/c I can't carry all of the hours over to next year. So, I guess I'll take some time off soon. I don't know what I'll do, but I figure out something. I'd rather take it off for a vacation or a day out with the girls rather than a day on the couch with a snotty nose! ;)

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